Bolton Business Connect website launched at Bolton Means Business 2021 Event

On Wednesday 9th June, Business Bolton hosted a virtual session for local businesses, which saw the launch of a brand-new website.

The event which was a follow-up for the first Bolton Means Business networking event which took place pre covid in February 2020. The event was very much aimed at updating businesses on Bolton’s development plans alongside the support available post covid from Bolton Council and its partners.

The Bolton Business Connect portal was unveiled which has been developed through the Bolton Vision 2030, Economic Prosperity Action Group.  Its primary focus is to share new business opportunities and jobs which in turn will help to spread the economic benefits through partnership bringing local businesses from across Bolton together.

The Bolton Means Business event was presented by Belinda Beaver, Local President for Bolton at Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. A range of useful topics were outlined for businesses will cover a range of useful topics for businesses. The event included the following speakers.

  • Noel Sharpe, Deputy Chief Executive of Bolton at Home and Chair of the Economic Prosperity Group gave an insight into the reasons the group chose to develop the portal.
  • Nick White, Local Economy Manager, Bolton Council introduced the portal and its functions with a video guide on

  • Colin Bain, Head of Manufacturing Business Improvement at MBDA Missile Systems shared their reasons for partnering in Bolton Business Connect.

  • Gerry Brough, Director of Place for Bolton Council gave an update and overview for businesses on Bolton’s current regeneration projects and the continuing development plans for across the Borough.

  • Colin Brew, Business Growth Hub Director of Relationships & Place outlined the support for business that the Growth Hub can provide businesses with for recovery post Covid.

Bolton Business Connect provides a portal for businesses to find public sector tenders and private sector opportunities all in one place and makes it easier for businesses to add their own tenders and contract information to promote it to other local organisations. Businesses will also be able to share jobs and see how they can benefit from local developments.

Businesses can sign up to the Bolton Business Connect website, which is now live, and watch the demo video which will explain how the site works and opportunities for local businesses and partners  You can register for FREE and contact us if you need advice and support.

To find out more you can watch the session below.

Published: 5th July 2021